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Decorative Art of the 20th Century

Alvar Aalto 

Model A111 (hand grenade)

42,5 cm x 18,5 cm diameter

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Book by 

Leonardo Mosso

Alvar Aalto  Teokset 1928 -1967

Alvar Aalto's work from 1928-1967

Edition Ottava 1967

Hardcover linen binding

176 pages

Alvar Aalto's Work 1918–1967, published in 1967, is a translation into Finnish of Leonardo Mosso's exhibition list in Italian, published in 1965. The publication is based on the largest exhibition dedicated to Alvar Aalto at Palazzo Strozzi in Florence. The impetus for setting up the Finnish-language publication was the then planned Alvar Aalto exhibition in the Ateneum* in Helsinki in 1967.

The book „Alvar Aalto Works 1918–1967“ was edited by Leonardo Mosso, an Italian architect and expert on Finnish architecture who worked in Aalto's office from 1955–1958. As a close collegue of Aalto's, he had a great deal of insight into the person and work. The book contains an accurate list of the work of Alvar Aalto and his office, starting with the renovation of the Mammula house in Alajärvi in 1918 and ending with the plans of the Alajärvi municipal administration center in 1966. It contains short but expert introductory texts; an abundance of black-and-white photographs, true-to-scale models and architectural drawings served as illustrations. This book contains many details, drawings, illustrations and chronological classifications of Aalto's furniture and lamp designs, that cannot be found in any other publication. The foreword to the book is by Göran Schildt, art historian, author and noted biographer of Alvar Aalto. With a little diligence and modern means of text recognition and translation, far-reaching insights can be gained from this Finnish book. A gold mine for collectors, dealers and art historians.

This example for sale, is listed in the Ateneum* exhibition and is in good condition. The covers are slightly worn but the pages are clean, intact and firm.

Dimensions: height: 215mm width: 207mm thickness: 15mm weight: 598g 

Price € 120.00 + freight. Worldwide shipping available.

* The Ateneum is an art museum in the Finnish capital Helsinki. It is part of the Finnish National Gallery and houses the country's most important art collection. Wikipedia



Leonardo Mosso

Alvar Aalto Teokset 1928 -1967






AlvarAaltoWorks 1918–1967」という本は、1955年から1958年までAaltoのオフィスで働いていた、イタリアの建築家でありフィンランド建築の専門家であるLeonardoMossoによって編集されました。 Aaltoの親しい同僚として、彼はその人と仕事について多くの洞察を持っていました。この本には、1918年のアラジャルビのマンムラ家の改修から始まり、1966年のアラジャルビ市政センターの計画で終わる、アルヴァ・アールトと彼の事務所の仕事の正確なリストが含まれています。短いが専門家の紹介が含まれていますテキスト;豊富な白黒写真、実物大の模型、建築図面がイラストとして役立った。この本には、他のどの出版物にも見られない、アアルトの家具とランプのデザインの多くの詳細とイラスト、および年代順の分類が含まれています。この本の序文は、美術史家であり、作家であり、アルヴァ・アールトの著名な伝記作家であるヨーラン・シルトによるものです。少しの勤勉さとテキスト認識と翻訳の現代的な手段で、このフィンランドの本から広範囲にわたる洞察を得ることができます。コレクター、ディーラー、美術史家のための金鉱。



価格€120.00 +運賃。利用できる世界的な輸送。

*アテネウム美術館は、フィンランドの首都ヘルシンキにある美術館です。 フィンランド国立美術館の一部であり、国内で最も重要なアートコレクションが収蔵されています。 ウィキペディア

Alvar Aalto  A335b

Ceiling lamp model A335B, designed by Alvar Aalto for Valaistustyö, Finland. 1970's.

Brass and lacquered metal.

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Alvar Aalto was an important architect and designer from Finland. His creative work included not only architecture, but also furniture design, lighting, glassware, sculpture and painting. Although he did not consider himself an artist, he saw painting and sculpture as "branches of the tree whose trunk is architecture". 

There was a phase in Aalto's work that lasted several years and focused on pure functionalism. This phase enabled him to achieve international success, particularly through the Paimio Sanatorium (1929-1933), which is considered a significant functionalist milestone. Aalto integrated the principles of user-friendly, functional design into his architecture and it was typical for him to view each building as a total work of art - including furniture and lighting elements.

His furniture design combined practical requirements and aesthetic demands with series production, thus helping to make everyday life in the home more beautiful.


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